World Pickleball Day Suggestions if covid stops your plans
We recognise that Covid-19 restrictions are different across the globe. For that reason we have some alternative suggestions for things to do to celebrate pickleball.

Free Access to an online pickleball game for World Pickleball Day!
Pickleball players in England have developed an online pickleball game. They are beta testing the game for World Pickleball Day. Access to play the game will be free on 10th, 11th and 12th October.
You can create an invitation to play with three friends via this link from 9th October. The link takes you to the screen below and from 9th October, you will be able to organise your game(s).
The game is a great way to introduce the principles of pickleball – especially the scoring.
You can set up as many games as you would like but you must complete a form for each game.
You could play with friends that are in different countries or states – as long as you have their email address you can invite them. If you combine the game with a Zoom call – you can see each other and chat at the same time!
Please note that the only thing the email addresses you enter will be used for is 1) to send the game invitations out. 2) To notify you when the website is live. All email addresses will be deleted after 3 months and will NOT be used for any other marketing purposes.
The visuals below outline further details.

Each player will receive an invitation to play. (See example below) The reason for setting up a time/date for the game is to get everyone to open the link at the same time. If you get together sooner, you can play the game earlier or later.

You click on the link and will be taken to your game, which will look like the screen below (although the first point has already been won in this example). The person with the red button presses the button to take their shot. Play continues to 11, win by 2.